In the many books and writings published, Maria Montessori describes the three elements that influence the construction of every human being in the first six years: the adult, the child and the environment that welcomes him. The interaction between these elements determines what will become of the children and the possibility that they can develop their immense potential. For this reason, teachers spend a lot of time physically preparing the environment and a lot of attention to how they interact with them. Educational material by itself does not work any magic unless it is provided by an adult who respects the child’s choices and understands their needs. This interaction is even more important when the environment is that of the family and the adults are the parents. To understand what it means to bring the Montessori method at home, it’s worth starting with the principles that guide this parenting style.
The Absorbent Mind
Montessori is one of the first scholars to recognize the importance of the first six years of life on the development of children and the need to start the educational process from birth. His tireless work of study and observation served to demonstrate how the mind of a child at birth and that of an adult are fundamentally different in the way they learn and interact with the outside world. In these first six years of life, children have the incredible ability to absorb all that the external environment has to offer without any effort and to learn through direct interaction with the environment. Since children absorb everything presented to them, it is essential that the environment and the adults in it are able to respond promptly and correctly to the needs of children. Only with the right conditions will children develop their unique and immense potential.
Following the child
Children are driven by an inner drive and desire to learn and grow that effortlessly guides them to the experiences their natural development needs. The Montessori method at home encourages adults to respect, listen and give children the opportunity to engage in activities that are meaningful to them. In this way, we foster their drive to learn and grow by supporting their curiosity and desire to explore.

During the first six years, children strive to achieve physical independence and it is the job of the adults to support this urge. When given a chance of doing things by themselves, children prove to be amazingly skilful and persistent. The Montessori method looks at children as capable individuals and supports their need for independence.
Freedom within limits
Freedom with limits is one of the most important and misunderstood principles of the Montessori method, just as the discipline and rules given to children are particularly controversial topics of parenting and education. Maria Montessori’s aimed to reduce and eliminate the unnecessary constraints imposed on children and remove them from the constant expectations of adults, replacing the notion of control exercised by adults with that of driving. Freedom does not correspond to a total lack of rules, but rather to a balance between an overly structured environment, in which the child is completely subject to the will of the adult and a chaotic and without rules.
[…] the hope of shifting attention from the teaching materials to the heart of Montessori philosophy, the next articles will all be dedicated to the principles of the method and how they are expressed in the family context. […]
[…] you are a parent and are reading me, you might be wondering: what would I start from at home? First of all, independence does not mean forcing children to do things on their own. Knowing your […]
[…] bambini, dargli fiducia e imparare a comunicare in maniera efficace. Se vogliamo seguire il metodo Montessori a casa, un modo di esprimere la nostra fiducia nei loro confronti è anche quello di creare un ambiente […]
[…] previous articles, we discuss the importance of interacting positively with children, trusting them and learning to […]